King of divorces.
Protector of cubs.

Is Lion Legal the right law firm for you? Find out today. Schedule a complimentary phone interview now.
Grandparent, step-parent, single-parent, and traditional adoptions are all services we are experienced in providing exceptionally well.
A parent is subject to having his or her rights terminated in Arkansas if there is no significant contact or support for the child from that parent for a period of one year.
Some cases are complicated, and some aren’t. Call us today to discuss your adoption matter.
Complicated or not, there can be pitfalls, and our Lion Lawyers are there to guide you through the system efficiently and effectively.
A common estimated retainer range for cases in our Probate, Family, Civil, and Real Estate/Business Divisions is $3,000-$5,000. To read more about our billing process, check out our Billing Philosophies page.
The Law of the Jungle is changing.
Lion Legal is making it happen.
That's why we're the Legal Pride of Arkansas.
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