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Paternity, Custody and Visitation
In an ideal world, the first custody and visitation order will last until all of your children are grown, but that’s not always possible. Circumstances and people change.
Whether this is the first-time determination or a modification, Lion Legal is here for you.
We address direct and indirect issues such as new step-parents, parents moving, new half-siblings, different financial circumstances, and sobriety issues, just to name a few.
In Arkansas, to officially determine paternity when the mother and father are not married, a judge must sign an order. Listing the father on the birth certificate, and the father signing an acknowledgment of paternity at the hospital, are simply evidence to support that he is the father. It is not an official final determination.
If you are parents, but not married, it is in everyone’s best interests to officially establish paternity in court. If you’re not together, then we can also decide custody, visitation, and child support matters at the same time.
Even if you’re living together in the same household, it is important that the father be established as the father officially, as soon as possible.
A common estimated retainer range for cases in our Probate, Family, Civil, and Real Estate/Business Divisions is $3,000-$5,000. To read more about our billing process, check out our Billing Philosophies page.
The Law of the Jungle is changing.
Lion Legal is making it happen.
That's why we're the Legal Pride of Arkansas.
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