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Guardianships are a legal way for someone to make decisions for another person, called a ward.
The ward has to be unable to make his or her own decisions. This can be because of the ward’s age—anyone under the age of 18 must have someone in charge and responsible for him or her. Usually, this is a parent, but if a parent is unavailable or unable to care for a child, then another adult such as a friend, grandparent, godparent, aunt or uncle, can be appointed guardian.
If the ward is an adult but is mentally unable to make his or her own decisions, because of a coma or dementia or any other reason, then an adult can be in charge of him or her too.
How much does guardianship cost?
Some guardianship cases are relatively straightforward, but others may involve disputes between family members.
A common estimated retainer range for cases in our Probate, Family, Civil, and Real Estate/Business Divisions is $3,000-$5,000. To read more about our billing process, check out our Billing Philosophies page.
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