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Hi! My name is Mathias Popkin, but people call me “Matty.” My humans say my name comes from a joke in a movie called “Shop Around the Corner.” It’s one of their favorite movies but I’ve never seen it.
I was born in some place called “Missouri.” Most people think I don’t remember it, because I was only 15 weeks old when I moved to Arkansas. However, I have a really great memory, so I could probably go back to the farm where I lived with my brothers and sisters, and easily find my way around!
After I moved to Arkansas, I went to school for a long time (my humans say 8 weeks) to learn basic skills and a few more complex skills to help my lady human out. She needs me nearby when she is out and about so she doesn’t get hurt. I love my job because I get to be with my lady human all day, but also because I don’t have to be outside in the heat during the summer. I get to take naps in the air conditioning! I also love when I’m off work and I get to sit outside in a freshly dug hole and bark at everything. I really enjoy chasing the small things with the knives on their paws that live with my humans.
I’m really protective of my human sheep. They say it is my nature as a Great Pyrenees to want to protect my herd, and luckily for me my lady sheep doesn’t mind it when I want to go on my rounds to check that all my Lion Legal herd are accounted for and o.k. (and also to get the occasional pat and a treat). She says she needs the exercise anyway.
You may see me around the office sometimes when I’m making my rounds. I won’t bother you though. I’m a super busy dog and can be shy until I get to know someone. I really just want to do my work and get back to the comfy spot in my lady human’s office. Unless you have a treat; then you’ll be one of my herd!
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