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Victoria Leigh

Partner & Certified Mediator

Victoria Leigh 1

I’m Tori! Lion Legal is my baby, starting as Leigh Law in a one-room walk-up office with little more than a dream and crossed fingers.

Our success is a mix of trial and error, sheer grit, and cultivating the right team. Today we are Lion Legal—a North Little Rock staple, living our purpose instill genuine pride in our clients, community and ourselves for the legal services we provide.

My commitment to reasonableness and practicality is off the charts and my meter for emotions is far below the average human being. I’m the friend that gives smart, realistic advice to actually solve the problem, not just cry about it! My desire to be well-liked is not outweighed by my willingness to defend, persuade, and argue my position, whether in my cases, in business, or my personal life. Opportunity is not given — it’s taken.

Because of my commitment to practicality, I’m a certified mediator and handle many of our mediations.

I’m a great trial lawyer and thoroughly enjoy taking cases to court – I thrive on competition. Winning is my favorite thing, no matter what it is I’m winning! In my ten plus years as a lawyer, I’ve handled many cases in each of the divisions of Lion Legal.

Today, most of my time is spent on the administration and management of the firm, including client acquisition, administrative matters, Human Relations, that sort of thing. Although, I’m sometimes still brought in to conduct with clients thorough emotionless cost/benefit analyses of time, money, and stress, compared to likely results of given legal strategies. I spend time in the courtroom, too; as a part time public defender in Grant County, and taking Lion Legal criminal and civil cases to trial, when necessary.

Mount Saint Mary, Ball State, and Indiana Universities are my alma maters. My commitment to student organizations was strong in high school—I can’t even remember all of them. I’m a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient, led a Girl Scout troop for several years in college and law school, took a long break, and am back to leading a Girl Scout troop today for my own daughters. Think I’m a good lawyer? You should see me peddle some cookies.

I was boring, nerdy, and predictable in high school (math parties, anyone?) I bloomed in college, pledging a sorority (Sigma Kappa for life!) and law school was the most fun I’ve ever had – joining no student organizations, drinking a lot, and steadfastly refusing to apply for law review (waaay too much nauseating research of ridiculous & impractical things like “how water law is affected by the rise in popularity of poodle ownership” or other such nonsense). Do not even get me started on the citations. As young as I was in law school, I was lucky in my self-awareness, recognizing the torture of forcing myself into a detailed round box when I’m a big-picture square peg.

I managed to graduate in the top quarter of my class and escape the snow and big city life of Indianapolis to come home where I met and married a Levy boy, who is currently the Director of Education at the Civilian Student Training Program on Camp Robinson.  My husband is very funny and very laid back. We are literally living the American Dream of a happy, healthy family, seeing a great work ethic and community commitment paying off. I love him more today than the day we married, mostly because he always laughs at my jokes and never makes me do the laundry; and, despite the fact he cried when he found out he was having two daughters. He says a third baby is out of the question because “he doesn’t want a son bad enough to risk having three girls.”

I’m a former member of the House of Delegates of the Arkansas Bar Association, a current Trustee for the Arkansas Bar Association, and a former board member for the Arkansas Trial Lawyer’s Association – I’m just a regular member of ATLA now. I’m also a member of the Pulaski County Bar Association and the Arkansas Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers; and I’ve completed several Leadership Academies, including the ABA in 2013, ATLA in 2019, and Arkansas Business in 2020. Victoria Leigh 2

My only current duties outside of Lion Legal are: serving on the Board of North Little Rock Catholic Academy, serving on the board of Alzheimer’s Arkansas, leading our Girl Scout Troop, and attending a lot of soccer games and cheer competitions.

My email is [email protected] and my cell is 501-658-3108.



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