Where does a lion sleep?

Anywhere she wants.

This is the logo of Lion Legal Services, the Law Firm for Working Arkansans.

Is Lion Legal the right law firm for you? Find out today. Schedule a complimentary phone interview now.

Do I Need An Estate Planning Lawyer?

The answer depends on several factors. 

  • Do you have a will? 
  • Does it make sense to transfer your property into a trust?
  • Who has the Power of Attorney to manage your affairs if you are incapacitated?
  • Who will make healthcare decisions for you if you can’t make them yourself?
  • Have you named the right beneficiaries on your retirement plan(s) and investments?

If you answered any of these questions with “no” or “I don’t know”, then it makes sense for you to contact an attorney and talk over your options.

Probate is not your friend.

Probate takes time and money, and delays the disposition of your assets for months, or maybe even years. The formal probate process subjects your estate to creditors, too. 

If you set up your estate plan right, you can avoid much of the hassle that your family might otherwise go through in probate court. Many, perhaps all, of your assets can transfer directly into the hands of those you choose.

Is there a way to reduce taxes for my heirs?

There are many ways to accomplish this goal with forethought and planning. Your estate planning lawyer can help you identify them and put them into practice.

What is the benefit of hiring an Arkansas estate planning lawyer?

  • Your estate plan will deal with all of your concerns.
  • Your experienced lawyer will help you identify and address many issues you might not have considered on your own.
  • All of your plans will be set down in writing, with legally binding documents to back them up.
  • You will have the ability to review and modify your plans at any time.
  • You and your family will have the peace of mind that comes with knowing your affairs are in order.

Lion Legal is your Arkansas estate planning law firm.

The right estate plan focuses on how you want your affairs to be handled and distributed among your family and heirs, in the easiest, most efficient way possible. That’s what we do.

Our attorneys are experts in estate planning law, and are here for you with straight talk, predictable fees, and superior services.

Our estimated retainer for estate planning without a trust is $1,500-$2,500, or $5,000 with a trust. We promise to tell you what the most likely outcome is up front, and to be open and transparent in our communications with you until your case is resolved.

Our approach to practicing law is revolutionizing the way law firms deliver legal services. Call Lion Legal today.

Get a Lion in Your Corner

The estate planning team at Lion Legal works to make sure your estate plan is well documented, covers the contingencies, and accomplishes your goals.

Our reputation – and the future of our law practice – depends on how well we do that job for you.

We will Roar to the Rescue for your estate planning needs.

Estate Planning Services

Some of the estate planning services we offer include:


  • Medicaid Planning
  • Trusts
  • Wills & POA

The Law of the Jungle is changing.

Lion Legal is making it happen.
That's why we're the Legal Pride of Arkansas.

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