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Tara Pool

Tara Pool 1

Partner & Attorney Ad Litem

I’m Tara. I’ve been at Lion Legal for several years and became a partner in 2021.  Because of our growth needs and my dynamic skill set, I’ve worked every position from Litigation Attorney, Division Manager, Front Office, Ad Litem—you name it, I’ve done it. I’m great with any position, but my favorite is plain ol’ attorney, practicing law. Today, as partner, I manage and guide our associate attorneys in our Family Division, take contested family cases to trial, and serve as an Attorney Ad Litem. I handle some administrative matters, billing, client acquisition, HR as a partner but my passion is family law.

I spent most of my working years at Rivendell Behavioral Health and Pathfinder, Inc (before and after law school); my work experience with those less fortunate, combined with my social worker heart and love for details is the perfect skill set in high-emotion cases. Most cases should not go to trial simply because there is a reasonable resolution to preserve the relationships which exist long after the case is over…but when they do, I’m your woman.

I’m the perfect blend of feisty, clever, and smart and a member of the Arkansas Trial Lawyers Association. I know my way around a courtroom and I love my clients, working through their issues, cultivating a legal strategy and taking it all the way to the end in a trial, where my competitive streak completely overpowers my naturally empathetic disposition.

I grew up in Bauxite (no Saline County jokes, please), have family in Northwest Arkansas and settled in North Pulaski County. I have four daughters (yes, I know); two sets of twins… and two step-children – another girl and a lonely little son, surrounded by five older sisters! So, let me assure you that no one knows first-hand the stress of child-rearing, co-parenting, and blended families more than I do. My personal co-parenting and vast professional experiences working with behavioral disorders and developmental disabilities provide a unique understanding, which helps me help others find great, long-lasting, solutions to their legal issues.

The purpose and mission of Lion Legal, really speak to me. I helped develop them over the last few years and I love being a part of the firm because we genuinely live this commitment to exceptional communication and exceptional results…it’s not just a tagline. We are practical and clear and have long lasting client relationships because of this commitment. Everyone deserves realistic, clear help and communication to know if there is a solution or if they should move on with their lives.

Sometimes people get Tori and me mixed up (Tara and Tori, I can see how that happens). When you get to know us better you won’t. Our personalities are opposite, but our strengths complement each other perfectly. Tori talks about how she’s not good with emotions. Tara Pool 2 Thank goodness I am. We are great work and “not work” friends.

People talk about free time, but I’m not sure what that is! (See above: four daughters.) Kidding, Mostly. I spend my non-working time at home with my girls, garden, and fire pit. No surprise here, these are fairly expected pastimes for an introvert.

My email is [email protected].

Top Ten Attorney award to Tara Pool from the National Association of Family Attorneys

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To display awards won by Lion Legal Services
To display awards won by Lion Legal Services