How can one law firm be so good, in so many legal areas?

How can one law firm be so good, in so many legal areas? We are not! We only practice in four particular areas of the law!  

Let me count the ways:

  1. Because we have several attorneys that specialize in different areas, of course!
  2. You’d probably be surprised how many different areas of the law have overlapping legal principles, too.
  3. Our areas of practice are closely related. We are very, very good family lawyers and a large percentage of our practice is in the area of domestic relations and family issues.
  4. Business and real estate disputes, contracts, transactions, and estate planning are inter-related and are based on the same principles of law.
  5. Criminal defense is a different beast (but frequently clients have criminal and family legal issues at the same time). Our  pride of legal lions includes excellent criminal defense lawyers too.
  6. Probate is a specialized area and we have years of experience in all matters in the probate arena.
  7. We do not accept cases that are in areas in which we are not very adept and experienced and we have no plans to expand our practice areas. We stick with what we are really good in!  

We lead with experience and confidence

We would never take a case we are not abundantly qualified to handle. We don’t take a case unless we are confident we can obtain a positive result. Have a free call with a lion lawyer today to determine if we can roar to your rescue.

We Can Help

If you are looking for effective legal representation in Arkansas that won’t break the bank, look for us at We will help you figure out your options and what the likely realistic result is in your circumstances. Say the word and we’ll come Roaring to the Rescue!

Call For A Free Case Evaluation

Case evaluations are completely free. Call Lion Legal Services today at (501) 227-ROAR (that’s 227-7627) or Email Us to set up a free consultation.