How long does it take to get a divorce in Arkansas?

Uncontested Divorces

A truly uncontested divorce wouldn’t involve children, real property, or personal property division—and is usually resolved very quickly, however, this is rare. Almost always, there is something that complicates a divorce and requires legal guidance and advice.

Legally, a divorce is takes at least one month. The law requires that 30 days pass between the day of filing and the entry of the divorce decree. If everyone is agreeable, then a divorce can be completed, realistically, within about 45-60 days. 

Thirty days may be possible, but it’s doubtful. Some things are simply out of our control. For example, the court assigns a judge who will put the case on the docket—and/or sign the decree—when he or she has time. 

More Complicated Divorces

A complex divorce can take 12-18 months. Complications such as custody, support, financial issues, or even disagreements over who gets the pets can draw out the process.

Most divorces that we handle take between 90-120 days. That estimate takes into account the negotiation process, delays in getting signatures, and the length of time it takes to get service. 

How much does a divorce in Arkansas cost?

Cost, like length, is relative to the issues we are arguing over. Can you get a divorce for just your filing fee? Absolutely. The forms are free online and you can do it. The trick is knowing how to fill in the blanks.

If your divorce is relatively uncontested—you and your spouse are in agreement with no financial, custody, or support issues—then you don’t really need a lawyer. However, our legal knowledge and experience enables us to guide you through the divorce process and write your divorce degree correctly. Our goal is to prevent you from ever having to come back and revisit the divorce decree, which can be painful, disappointing, and potentially more expensive.

A common estimated retainer range for cases in our Probate, Family, Civil, and Real Estate/Business Divisions is $3,000-$5,000. To read more about our billing process, check out our Billing Philosophies page.

We Can Help

Our attorneys are experts, and are here for you with straight talk, predictable cost, and superior services. We promise to tell you what the most likely outcome is up front, and to be open and transparent in our communications with you until your case is resolved.

Our approach to practicing law is revolutionizing the way law firms deliver legal services. Case evaluations are completely free. Call Lion Legal today at (501) 227-7627 or Email Us to set up a free consultation.
