Jan 20, 2022 | About Us, Billing Philosophy, How We Are Different
What are you really buying when you hire a law firm? Clear Communication The number one complaint about lawyers in general across the United States is lack of communication, and this is the number one way that attorneys get in trouble with their state ethics...
Jan 13, 2022 | About Us, How We Are Different
Team Approach You might think “Do I really like the idea that I don’t have my own personal attorney? No, I do not.” Yes, you do! Listen, in most law offices you only get one lawyer. He’s it. The main benefit is that you always talk to the same person as...
Jan 7, 2022 | About Us, Communication With Us
Effective Communication With Your Lawyer Lawyers Are Not Therapists Effective communication with your lawyer requires all of us to focus on the facts of the case, and how the law can help. The law has very little room for emotion, and case analysis starts with the...
Dec 3, 2021 | About Us, Communication With Us, What does a lawyer do?
Client Decisions vs Lawyer Decisions Who sets the goals, and who decides how to achieve them? Lawyers are bound by Rules of Professional Conduct. Rule 1.2 governs the scope of representation, and states that although a lawyer’s job is to consult with the client to...